
Barcelona , 1913
Kapellmeister, composer and organist
He was a choirboy of the church of Palau de Barcelona and studied music with his father Marraco Xauxas and his uncle Joan Ferrer (violin). He also studied with Francesc Moliner and piano and composition with Bernat Calvó Puig, Mateu Ferrer Vilanova. In the 1850s he was a violinist at the orchestra of Teatre Principal and Teatre del Liceu. In 1864, he was appointed Kapellmeister of Barcelona’s Cathedral succeeding Mateu Ferrer. It is also reported that he was received by Rossini in Paris in 1862. Among its compositions, there are many popular dances of the time and religious music for small and large ensembles. The catalog also includes orchestral music, sometimes of operatic inspiration, and chamber music. Marraco was one of the most renowned composers of his time and considered a great improviser on the organ. Among his output is the Missa de Rèquiem pels morts de la Guerra d’Àfrica (1860).