
La Garriga , 16 de setembre de 1960
Composer, organist and Kapellmeister
He was a member of the escolania of the Cathedral of Barcelona where he studied composition with his uncle Josep Marraco and with Domènec Mas. In 1895, he was appointed organist at the church of Sant Agustí (Barcelona) and later Kapellmeister of the same institution. Between 1923 and 1957, he was the Kapellmeister of Barcelona’s Cathedral. He was the director of Casa de la Caritat’s music academy (Barcelona) and conducted the Orfeó Montserrat. His large output includes mainly religious music but also symphonic, scenic and vocal music, music for band, sardanes, and a vast amount of arrangements. His style is tonal and is influenced by the Italian operatic tradition, the Cecilian movement and the modernista style of the orfeons of the first decades of the 20th century.