
Barcelona , 1916
Pianist and pedagogue
He studied in Vic under Colell and became the organist of the same church at the age of 11. In 1874 he returned to Barcelona and studied piano and harmony under Joan Baptista Pujol, Bernat Calvó Puig and Gabriel Balart. In 1878, he won the first prize in Piano at the Pujol Competition. A year later, he travelled to Paris and obtained a scholarship awarded by a committee consisting of Ambroise Thomas, Georges Mathias, Élie-Miriam Delaborde and Antoine François Marmontel.
Although he studied at the Paris Conservatory for two years, his father's illness prompted his return to Barcelona. There, in 1881, he decided to pursue a teaching career at his private academy with students such as Carme Bonaplata (his future wife), Carme Matas Aurigema, Santiago Riera, Joan Baptista Estradé and Pere Astort. In addition to his teaching activity, he created the Bau Piano Competition with annual calls.
It is also worth mentioning his task as Carme Bonaplata’s manager.