
Ricard Viladesau Caner
Barcelona , 28 de gener de 2005
Barcelona , 28 de gener de 2005
Composer i Performer
Composer and tenora player
He began his musical education at the church of Sant Martí de Calonge and continued with Josep Gumà, Josep Mercader and Rafael Colom. He began playing in various cobla ensembles in the Empordà and La Selva, until he joined Cobla Principal de La Bisbal in 1950, of which he member until 1970. At the invitation of Antoni Ros-Marbà, he was appointed viola soloist of the Orquestra Ciutat de Barcelona. He composed a significant number of sardanes, among which Festeig (1964) or Niu d’amor (1985) have been considered canonical. He also composed vocal music and habaneras.
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Centres de documentació
Biblioteca Nacional de España