Cobla La Principal de la Bisbal
i formacions històriques
i formacions històriques
Cobla La Principal de la Bisbal
Any de constitució: 1888
Any de dissolució: Fins l'actualitat
Va ser creada el 1888 com a cobla de sardanes i orquestra de ball a partir de membres joves de la Cobla Vella de la Bisbal d'Empordà que van voler apostar per les novetats de la música del darrer terç del segle XIX. El 1902 va La Principal de la Bisbal was founded in 1888 as a sardana cobla and dance orchestra. The cobla was founded by the young members of the Cobla Vella de la Bisbal d'Empordà who wanted to venture into music of the last third of the nineteenth century. In 1902, the cobla won the first prize in the Concurs de Cobles of Barcelona, a fact that contributed to the ensemble’s renown. The addition of prominent performers and the appointment of Conrad Saló Ramell as conductor (1935-1990) contributed to the cobla’s success. In 1932 it was declared the official cobla of the Generalitat de Catalunya, a title that was renewed in 1978 by President Josep Tarradellas. In 2014 he received the Premi Nacional de Cultura.