
Conrad Saló Ramell
Granollers , 4 de desembre de 1906
La Bisbal d'Empordà , 1981
La Bisbal d'Empordà , 1981
Composer and cobla conductor
He started his music education with his father Martí Saló, and later at the Escolania de Montserrat (1913-1922) with Anselm Ferrer (piano, organ and harmony) and Ildefons Civil (violin). He complemented his education with Blai Net and Enric Casals. In 1923, he joined La Principal de la Bisbal second fiscorn, and from 1935 to 1977 he was the artistic director and representative of the same ensemble. As a composer, he was renowned for the composition of about seventy sardanes that use a harmonic language inspired by dance music. Among his output were Confidència (1960) and L’aplec de la tardor (1979).
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Centres de documentació
Biblioteca Nacional de España