
Josep Gallés Salabert
Castellterçol , 20 d'agost de 1758
Vic , 24 de desembre de 1836
Vic , 24 de desembre de 1836
Composer i Performer
Organist and composer
He started his music education in his hometown under the tutelage of Pere Màrtir Alberch, and later in Barcelona with Ramon Sunyer and Joan Vila. In 1777, he became organist of the cathedral of Vic, a position he held until the end of his life. He also performed the duties of Kapellmeister of that cathedral. He was organ and piano teacher of Bernat Calvó Puig. Only a set of 23 Sonatas for keyboard and 141 verses for organ survived, after the archive of the cathedral of Vic was destroyed during the Civil War.
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