
Palamós , 18 de juny de 1940
Cobla musician and sardana composer
He studied with the priest of the parish of his locality. Early on, Casanovas stood out as a performer of the flute, piccolo and flabiol, which he learned under the Roger brothers. He was a student of Joan Carreras i Dagàs in the fields of harmony and composition. In 1888, his thorough mastery of the cobla instruments led him to become one of the founding members of La Principal de la Bisbal.
His job as a bottle stopper manufacturer led him to work in France, where he developed his profession alongside that of musician. On his return to Palamós, he was appointed organist of its parish, a position he held for over twenty years.
His catalogue includes songs, caramelles, religious music and over 150 sardanes, including the renowned Rosa Roja and La cançó del mariner.