
Composer, pedagogue and music promoter
He studied piano with Carles G. Vidiella and harmony, composition and counterpoint with Anselm Barba and Francesc Alió. In 1879 he published Dansa ideal, his first composition for piano. For a few years he gave several recitals in Barcelona, one of them at the Teatre Líric. In 1888, together with Josep Lapeyra, he founded the Associació Musical de Barcelona that promoted the dissemination of symphonic music. At the end of the century he moved to Paris, where he expanded his musical studies and visited the 1900 World's Fair.
In 1907 he settled in the Vedado district of Havana, where he worked as a teacher and advocator of music societies. Thus, he was director of the Conservatorio Masriera and founder of a women's choir and an orchestra of amateur musicians.
He wrote three masses for orchestra, pieces for voice and piano and ¡Daniel!, a lyrical drama in two acts written by him and premiered in Barcelona in 1905. In 1939 he composed Cantata a Clemencia Isaura for the Juegos Florales Nacionales of Cárdenas (Cuba).