
Barcelona , 31 de març de 1908
Alió studied piano under Vidiella and composition under Pedrell, Barba and Nicolau. He was part of the young musicians of the Modernisme movement, who were associated with Catalan nationalistic institutions such as Lliga de Catalunya, Orfeó Català and the Societat Catalana de Concerts (Catalan Society of Concerts). In addition, he was a music critic for leading magazines such as La Reinaixensa and L'Avenç and illustrated his own compositions. He composed mainly Lieder with lyrics of authors such as Guimerà, Mestres and Verdaguer. Much of his vocal and instrumental music is based on traditional Catalan melodies departing from previously published collections (such as those of Francesc Pelage Briz) or his own notes. Cansons Populars Catalanas (1892) enjoyed a great dissemination and reception and was used as a source of later choir music. Particularly relevant in the context of this collection is the adaptation of 'Els Segadors' (with text by Milà i Fontanals and melody by Jaume Collell) which became the Catalanist anthem (1897) and the melody of the official national anthem (1993).