
L'Albi , 8 de febrer de 1923
By 1856, he moved to Barcelona where he studied piano with his brother Josep and violin with Josep Marraco Balart. He was also was singer of the cathedral´s music chapel, where he studied composition with Mateu Ferrer.
In 1862 he joined the Teatre del Circ as a violinist and familiarized himself with the lyrical music of Madrid. He became an important director of lyric theatre companies: in the 1866-67 season he was conductor at the Teatre de Figueres and the following year at the Teatre de Lleida. Between 1873 and 1876 he was conductor of the Teatre Principal, and that year he began conducting at the Gran Teatre del Liceu. There, he premiered the Faust de Ch. Gounod, as well as in Palma and Valencia. In 1885, he was appointed lecturer at the Conservatory of the Liceu and he was later organist and Kapellmeister in Albi and in other churches of Lleida. Notable works include his zarzuelas in Catalan such as Lo metge dels gegants, La manescala and L’esparver. He also composed religious, symphonic and chamber music.