
Barcelona , 7 de desembre de 1941
Composer and conductor
In 1880 he studied at Conservatori del Liceu with Miquel Font (piano) and Josep Rodoreda (harmony and composition). Later, he studied with Felip Pedrell and Carles G. Vidiella, while collaborating with folklorist Sebastià Farnés. He worked as a pianist at the Cafè Inglés and Café Pelayo, meeting points for figures such as Guimerà, Gaudí or Pitarra. He conducted the choir La Lira of Sant Cugat del Vallès. Together with Amadeu Vives, he founded the Orfeó Català, a key institution for the modernization of choral singing in Catalonia (especially for sacred polyphony, Catalan musical heritage and for new music). He was a professor at the Escola Municipal de Música, founder of the chapel of Sant Felip Neri (1897), Kapellmeister of the choir school of La Mercè (1906) and conductor of the Banda Municipal of Barcelona (1930). He composed outstanding choir music, such as Jovenívola (1892) and El cant de la senyera (1896). He founded the Revista Musical Catalana (1904), and wrote several articles and essays.