
Joan Dotras Vila
Juan Dotras
Barcelona , 4 de novembre de 1900
Barcelona , 15 de juliol de 1978
Barcelona , 15 de juliol de 1978
Composer i Performer
Composer and pianist
He completed his studies under Millet, Morera and Pellicer at Conservatori Municipal de Barcelona. He was piano professor of the Conservatory from 1942 and from 1963, he was appointed professor of Aesthetics and Operatic Repertory at Conservatori del Liceu. He combined music teaching with the composition of stage music and songs. He achieved success in the genres of zarzuela and the revista (revue). He collaborated with Ràdio Barcelona as a cultural commentator and became the secretary of Montepío de Maestros Directores. Many of his compositions were recorded under his baton. Between 1935 and 1957 he composed film music, some it produced during the Spanish Civil War.
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