
Josep Cercós Fransí
Barcelona , 5 de maig de 1925
Barcelona , 5 de novembre de 1989
Barcelona , 5 de novembre de 1989
Composer and pianist
He studied clarinet, piano, horn and cello. Later, he studied harmony, composition and counterpoint with Ricard Lamote de Grignon, Ernest Cervera and Cristòfor Taltabull. Being a prominent member of the Cercle Manuel de Falla, his music shows a development from neoclassicism to a position close to serialism and sound experimentation. His studies with Hermann Scherchen and acquitance with Luigi Nono and Iannis Xenakis influenced his way of researching modernity. He has a remarkable output of symphonic, chamber, scene and keyboard music. Among his works, Octet (1972) and the Simfonia de Cambra (1974) have been considered two of the most relevant examples of contemporary music in Catalonia.