
Xavier Turull Creixell
Barcelona , 4 de març de 1922
Barcelona , 22 de gener de 2000
Barcelona , 22 de gener de 2000
Composer i Performer
Violinist and composer
He studied violin, among others, with Joan Massià, Antoni Brosa, Ruggero Ricci and Yehudi Menuhin. In 1944, he was part of the Orquestra Municipal de Barcelona and in 1947 he went to Colombia to teach chamber music at the Universidad del Cauca (1947-1950), and then to Buenos Aires (1950-1955) and London to study with Brosa. In 1966 he was appointed professor of violin at the Conservatori Superior of Music of Barcelona and was director of the same institution between 1972 and 1982. In addition to his teaching, he also devoted himself to composition of music of romantic inheritance, such as the violin piece Trama 12X 12 (1977).
Com sona
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