
Barcelona , 20 de setembre de 2017
Composer and musicologist
He trained as a schoolboy in the church of Santa Maria de Montblanc and later expanded his musical training at the Pontifical Seminary of Tarragona with Francesc Tàpies. His PhD thesis dealt with the verbeta in Catalonia and he was awarded the National Musicology Prize in 1976. He developed an important academic career in the Universitat Autònoma of Barcelona, where he was professor of Musicology from 1986. He promoted the Institut Universitari de Documentació i Investigació Musicològicques Josep Ricart i Matas of the UAB and published over a hundred publications on musicological research specializing in Spanish Baroque music. He conducted the Schola Cantorum Universitaria Barcinonensis and Cor Gaudium Musicæ. He left a catalogue of over seventy musical works composed between 1963 and 2012. His Suite Montblanquina (1963) and Joglaresques (1967) stand out among his output.