Francesc de Paula

Barcelona , 12 de setembre de 1918
At the age of six he began his music studies in the parish of Santa Anna’s chapel in Barcelona under Pere Llorens i Llatchós. In 1853 he was admitted to the Consevatori del Liceu, where he studied solfeggio and piano under Raimond Gili and harmony and composition under Gabriel Balart. In 1863 he premiered the overture Minerva at the Teatre dels Camps Elisis in Barcelona and four years later he presented the opera Rahabba at the Gran Teatre del Liceu. In 1869 he moved to Paris and studied under Daniel F. E. Auber whilst conducting at the Théâtre de la Gaîté. In 1871 he returned to Barcelona and taught at the Conservatori del Liceu, an institution he directed from 1893 to 1917. In 1881 he premiered the opera La cova dels orbs at Teatre Circ Barcelonès. Regarding style, he adhered to Meyerbeer's school. His output includes music for voice and piano (which he called simfomeles), operas, and religious music. He wrote several didactic works on music history and theory. Some of his students were Ll. Casagemas, J.Sicard, M. Rodríguez de Alcántara, E. Daniel, F. Marshall and J. Zamacois.