
Artur Rimbau Clos
Sant Feliu de Guíxols , 26 de gener de 1898
Girona , 1978
Girona , 1978
Composer i Performer
Composer and fiscorn player
In 1907 he moved with his family to Agullana (Alt Empordà), a town where he began musically with the help of father Josep Cardona. In 1912, when the cobla La Juvenil Agullanense was founded, he was appointed as its fiscorn player. In 1916 he settled in Barcelona and in 1921 he premiered his first sardana L’aplec de la joventut at the aplec of mount Carmel.
Among his output of over 200 sardanes Noies palamosines, Germanor, Lloret de mar, La cançó de la costa, Gratitud and Cantant la festa stand out. His production also includes religious music, couplets, hymns and small-format lyrical works.
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