
Barcelona , 17 de març de 1973
Composer and organist
He began his musical studies at the age of eight, but had to abandon them to access the seminary. Nevertheless, he continued to learn on his own and became organist of the church of Sant Vicenç of Sarrià in 1911. He later studied piano with father Molera and harmony and composition with Vicenç M. Gibert.
In 1917 he founded the Orfeó Sarrianenc, a choir he conducted until 1954. He also contributed to the resumption of the Christmas performance of the lyrical drama L'Estel de Nazaret, which he organized in Sarrià between 1940 and 1961, and the direction of the Rosari Pastoril by Francesc Forns for Saint Vincent’s day.
Obiols stood out as a composer of sardanes, an activity that gave him public recognition and some awards. Between 1912 and 1966 he composed about 30 sardanes, some of them choral. Some examples are Flor nadalenca, Aubada de festa, Girona invicta and Mercè. He also harmonized folk dances and composed masses, caramelles, carols, songs and stage music.