
Barcelona , 1996
He began his music education in Paris, where he lived until he was 14 years old. Then, he continued his studies at the Escola Municipal de Música of Barcelona with Enric Morera and Francesc Costa. He also studied with Suñé Sintes, Manén, Massià and Toldrà.
He was a choir and violin teacher at the Escola Municipal (later the Municipal Conservatory of Barcelona), as well as at the UNAM and at the International Courses of Santiago de Compostela. In 1935 he co-founded the Cor Mixt Polifònic and, from 1940 he also conducted it (at the time the choir had already changed its name to Capella Clàssica Polifònica). He was a violinist at the Orquestra Municipal of Barcelona. He was also conductor of the Orfeó de Sants and the National Choir of Spain (1982-1983). In 1987 he founded a choral conducting school (Escola de Direcció Coral de Catalunya).