Joan Pau

Barcelona , 17 de maig de 1626
Kapellmeister and Composer
It is probably he started his music education in Mataró. The first documented information about him is from 1593, when he was coadjutor of Julià Andreu Vilanova, Kapellmeister of the cathedral of Barcelona. That year he was appointed Kapellmeister of the cathedral of Tarragona and in 1595 he obtained the same position in the basilica of Pilar de Zaragoza. Seventeen years later, in 1612, he returned to Barcelona and was appointed Kapellmeister of the cathedral and that of the Capella de Música de Sant Jordi of the Generalitat de Catalunya. Despite the destruction of some archives, the large amount of surviving music place him as a composer of the transition between the aesthetics of the late Renaissance and that of the early Baroque.
Centre de Documentació de l'Orfeó Català
Biblioteca de Montserrat
Biblioteca Nacional de España