
Olot , 1989
Composer and cupletista
In 1914 she debuted at Cinema Teatre Ideal Park in Olot, and was quickly hired by the D'Onnini company. She subsequently moved to Barcelona where she studied composition and, together with his future husband Melquíadez Lucarelli, she founded a music school specializing in music hall and a record label. During the 1920s, she sang and released numerous cuplets that enjoyed great success. During this time,s he toured several European cities thanks to the Paramount Company. From 1928 onwards, she performed in Latin America under the name Alba and she obtained Argentinian citizenship. After separating from Lucarelli (1929) she settled in Brazil together with the artist and industrialist Luiz Fossati. She abandoned her artistic career until her return to Catalonia (1968). She composed well-known cuplets in Catalan such as Les caramelles, Marieta de l'ull viu or Baixant de la font del gat (which was popularized by Raquel Meller).