Josep Maria

Barcelona , 12 de juny de 1990
Son of the musicologist Lluís Lamaña Arenas (1868-1964), he studied violin and trumpet at the Liceu Conservatory and completed the industrial engineering degree in 1923. He managed the Orquestra d'Estudis Simfònics, conducted by Eduard Toldrà (1921- 1935). Higini Anglès introduced him to organological research and became one of the most prominent musicologists of his field. In 1935, he founded the Ars Musicae ensemble and conducted it until 1961. In 1936, prominent performers joined the ensemble to perform at the SIMC in Barcelona. From that point on, Ars Musicae would become a platform for renowned performers such as V. dels Àngels, J. Savall, E .Gispert or R. Escalas. In addition to books, he published in the Dictionary Labor, Anuario Musical and Revista Musical Catalana. He held positions at the Liceu Conservatory and collaborated with the Spanish Institute of Musicology (CSIC). He was a pioneer in the design of ancient instruments.