
Frederic Longàs Torres
Barcelona , 18 d'agost de 1895
Santiago de Chile , 1968
Santiago de Chile , 1968
Composer i Performer
Pianist and composer
He was a pupil of Joaquim Malats and Enric Granados, and began his musical career very early in his life. Specialized in chamber music, he accompanied prominent figures such as Gaspar Cassadó, Conxita Badia and the Italian tenor Tito Schipa. In Madrid he was the artistic director of the Sala Aeolian. In 1940 he founded the Albéniz Academy of Barcelona, which was later named after him. He moved to the United States and Chile where he resided until his death. He composed mostly works for voice and piano, which were recorded by the most renowned singers of the time. He also composed piano music and Gran Concert Espanyol for piano and orchestra, strongly influenced by the work of Isaac Albéniz.
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