
Melcior Juncà Ferré
Melcior Joncar Ferrer
Sant Joan de les Abadesses , 5 de gener de 1757
Tarragona , 28 de desembre de 1824
Tarragona , 28 de desembre de 1824
Composer and Kapellmeister
He was the son of the musician Jacint Juncà and his musical education took place at Vic's Cathedral. Between 1798 and 1806, he was Kapellmeister of Tarragona's Cathedral, replacing Antoni Milà. Whilst holding that position, he composed a large number of religious music: masses, antiphons, lamentations, motets, tonos and vilancets. His output is an example of the progressive incorporation of the stylistic features of classicism that took place in the music chapels of the cathedrals. He published La Melopea desconocida, a treaty that details a speculative and practical method that divides the octave into twenty-four parts.
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