
Barcelona , 29 de març de 1940
Composer, conductor and teacher
He studied with J. Lamote de Grignon, A. Nicolau, E. Granados, E. Daniel and V. Costa Nogueras. He was Kapellmeister and organist in several churches of Barcelona and professor of harmony and counterpoint to the academies Ainaud, Granados and Vidiella. Between 1925 and 1936 he was professor and assistant director of the Conservatory of Terrassa, an activity that he combined with the musical direction of Ràdio Barcelona. Throughout his life career he conducted different choirs,founded Orfeó Gracienc and Orfeó Montserrat and took part in music conferences, such as the International Musicology Society in Barcelona in 1936. As a composer, harmonized folk songs that are still part of the Catalan choral repertoire. His output of over 450 compositions includes sardanes, stage music, vocal music of religious and profane character, organ and piano music and some ballables.