
Antoni Català Vidal
Sitges , 22 de novembre de 1891
Sitges , 13 de gener de 1978
Sitges , 13 de gener de 1978
Composer and music critic
He started his music education with his father and later at Escolania de Montserrat, with Manuel María Guzmán. He completed his studies in Barcelona with Enric Morera.
In 1911 he was appointed organist of the church of Pompeia in Barcelona, and in 1916 he founded the Orfeó Pompeia de Gràcia. He also accompanied silent films with the harmonium. In 1940 he was a professor at the Conservatory of Barcelona and from 1945, he worked as a critic at Diario de Barcelona. Among his works are the numerous sardanas, such as La Procesión de San Bartolomé (1920) for cobla and band.
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Centres de documentació
Biblioteca Nacional de España