
Jaume Caselles Genovart
Jaume Casellas
Valls , 8 d'octubre de 1690
Toledo , 27 d'abril de 1764
Toledo , 27 d'abril de 1764
Composer and Kapellmeister teacher
He studied with Lluís Serra, Kapellmeister of Santa Maria del Mar. Between 1710 and 1714 he was chaplain to Sant Esteve (Granollers) and a year later he was appointed Kapellmeister of Santa Maria del Mar (Barcelona). In 1733 he obtained the same position in the cathedral of Toledo (after Miguel Ambiela) and kept it until 1762. He took part in the approval of Llave de la modulación by Antoni Soler. More than three hundred works have been preserved, such as cantatas, vilancets, psalms and oratorios such as Betulia libertada (1726), which shows elements of the local Baroque style and some details of the Italian style brought by with Carlos III.
Indrets relacionats
Centres de documentació
Real Biblioteca del Monasterio de San Lorenzo del Escorial
Fons de l'Església parroquial de Sant Pere i Sant Pau de Canet de Mar
Fons de l'Església parroquial de Sant Pere i Sant Pau de Canet de Mar