
Torroella de Montgrí , 6 de gener de 1962
Composer and Performer
He studied in Torroella de Montgrí with his father Genís whilst playing at the cobla La Lira. Later, he studied under Josep Reixac (violin), Pere Rigau (flabiol), and Josep Maria Soler and Josep Pi (composition). At 15 years of age he joined Els Montgrins, and in 1909, succeeded its conductor Pere Rigau. At that time, he started composing sardanes that were soon appreciated by the public and regularly performed. He achieved great success in the 1910s thanks to the versification of El saltiró de la cadira, the recording of his music and its radio broadcast. In 1928 he moved to Barcelona and got involved in the show business in the Paral·lel. Renowned singers of the time such as Meller, Alonso, Serós or Vendrell, sung and commissioned his songs. After the Spanish Civil War, he returned to Torroella, where he devoted himself to the composition of sardanes until his dead. With an output of around 200 sardanes, he became one of the most popular composers of his time.