
Teresa Borràs Fornell
Manresa , 30 de juliol de 1923
Mataró , 18 de juliol de 2010
Mataró , 18 de juliol de 2010
Composer i Performer
She studied piano, harmony and guitar at Liceu Conservatory. She subsequently studied under Francesco Molinari, Ernest Cervera and Cristòfor Taltabull as well as under Guido Agosti and Vito Frazzi in l'Accademia Chigiana (Siena).
From 1947, after his return to Barcelona, Borràs combined teaching jobs (first in Manresa and later in Mataró) with concert performances. In 1979 she obtained a scholarship to study with Rodolfo Halffter in the summer music courses in Compostela. From the mid 1970s to the 1980s she was a high school teacher. Her output as a composer includes music for solo instruments and unusual chamber ensembles, in addition to sardanes, choir and children's music.
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