
Jaume Biscarri de Fortuny
Bisfort - Jeaquein - Jaequein
Barcelona , 19 de juny de 1876
Barcelona , 1951
Barcelona , 1951
Composer i Teacher
Composer and teacher
He studied music following the family tradition. In addition to being a renowned composer and pianist, Biscarri thrived as a harmony and composition teacher (often by correspondence with students from the rest of the Peninsula). He also contributed to the magazine Musical Hermes of Casa Parramon. The attribution of his compositional output has often been difficult, as he not always signed music under his name but also with the pseudonyms Bisfort or Jeaquein. His output includes sardanes as well as orchestral, chamber, stage and religious music. He married Maria Antonieta Cuyàs, granddaughter of Pere Tintorer.
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